“I Want…”

“If you want something you never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.”

Unknown Author

Scarcity of want is impossible! Humanity, from time immemorial, has desired so many things ranging from what one needs to what one wants, and from the mundane to the ephemeral. However, knowing what one wants is the beginning of finding it with the attendant solace attached to having it. It is apposite, therefore, to inquire as to what modern man wants; because, unlike the early man who just wanted food, clothing and shelter, modern man has moved beyond the basic human wants.

This insatiable desire of modern man has thus far led us where humanity is at a crossroad. Tell a man “We need to see” or “I will tell you something when next we see”, et al, and he becomes disturbed, agitated, perturbed, worried, concern and sometimes unreasonably unstable. He just wants you to tell him immediately what you intended keeping till the next meeting. The element of surprise no longer holds water in and around us anymore. Where is our humanity?

Today, the Holy Mother Church asks all her children to commence the ‘40-Day Journeying with the Lord’; fasting, praying and doing charitable works. Every year, the Church calls on her children to recall their humanity with ashes (made out of our palm fronds from the Palm Sunday of the previous year) imposed on our foreheads to remind us that: “You are dust, and unto dust you shall return”; even, as she asks us to return to the Lord: “Repent and believe the Gospel”.

In his 2024 Message for Lent, titled “Through the Desert God Leads us to Freedom”, His Holiness, Pope Francis, brings us hope out of the present myriads of malaise and quagmire our beloved Nigeria is embroiled in. Despite the ceaseless skyrocketing prices of foodstuff and commodities in the markets, with attendant hysteria resulting from kidnappings and killings on a daily-constant basis; His Holiness invites us to “open our eyes to reality” if our Lenten observances is to be meaningful this year.

Recalling God’s call of Moses in the burning bush (Ex 3: 7-8), Pope Francis asks us to examine our consciences, to look deep into ourselves if our humanity still desires good and offers same to our neighbours. “Today too, the cry of so many of our oppressed brothers and sisters rises to heaven. Let us ask ourselves: Do we hear that cry? Does it trouble us? Does it move us? All too many things keep us apart from each other, denying the fraternity that, from the beginning, binds us to one another” (Message of His Holiness, Pope Francis for Lent 2024).

In the Gospel of Mark, a Leper approached Jesus and asked to be cleansed if Jesus wants to. “Moved with pity, He stretched out His hand, touched him, and said to him, “I do will it. Be made clean” (Mk 1:41)”. Pope Francis reminds us that, our God is the One Who brings freedom to His People, even when they would not ask for it: “In the Exodus account, there is a significant detail: it is God who sees, is moved and brings freedom; Israel does not ask for this” (ibid.).

“The globalisation of indifference makes us all “unnamed,” leaders without names and without faces” (Pope Francis, sermon at an open-air Mass during his visit to Lampedusa, Monday, 8th July, 2023). Opening our eyes to reality, therefore, means for us to leave behind the globalisation of indifference which makes us turn lackadaisical towards the sufferings and pains of our brothers and sisters. “It is time to act, and in Lent, to act also means to pause. To pause in prayer, in order to receive the word of God, to pause like the Samaritan in the presence of a wounded brother or sister” (Message of His Holiness, Pope Francis for Lent 2024).

It is imperative, then, to understand that the Lenten Season offers us another opportunity to return to Bethel, our place of encounter (Gen 35:1). It affords us the opportunity to turn the globalisation of indifference into the globalisation of care and affection for our needy brothers and sisters. Like Jesus, let us reach out to those needy members of our families, communities and environs, and let them feel the touch of God through us: ‘I want to share this gift with you.’ ‘I want you to have this for your self and your family.’ ‘I want you to be happy always.’

A quick reminder for all Catholics: Penance:The days and times of penance for the Universal Church are each Friday of the whole year and the season of Lent.” Abstinence:Abstinence from meat, or other food as determined by the Bishops’ Conference, is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a Solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.”

#Penance #Abstinence #Hope #AshWednesday #GoodFriday #Valentine #Confession #Penance #Globalisation #Want #Desire #Brotherhood #GlobalisationofIndifference #Desert #DesertExperience #Freedom #Love #Wagbemiga #God

‘Wagbemiga Mary-Peter Ònífáde


Wagbemiga Media Services (7150468)


What Is the Surname of Jesus?

I know for a certainty that, ab initio, the basis of the relationship between God and man has been one of friendship and fellowship. In fact, after God created Adam and Eve and settled them in the Garden of Eden, oftentimes He would come down to fellowship and interact with them. This explains why the Bible accounts for it in Genesis 3: 8 that, on hearing the voice of God calling in the Garden, Adam and Eve went to hid themselves. Because, they have broken the code of friendship.

Friends dialogue. Friends fellowship and interact to enjoy each other’s company, plan together and act together. Friends celebrate one another. This was the relationship between God and man because, God’s intent was for man to share in the fullness of Himself: “Then God said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness,” (Gen. 1: 26a). Hence, Christ told His Disciples: “I know longer call you slaves, because a slave does not know what his master is doing. I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from my Father,” (Jn 15: 15).

Today, Tuesday, 15th August, ’23, the Holy Mother Church Celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. What this Dogma (an irrevocable adherence of faith as regards truths contained in Divine Revelation (CCC, 88)) teaches is that: After Her earthly sojourn here on earth, the Blessed Virgin Mary had the singular honour of being assumed into Heaven body and soul; so that Her body will not know corruption.

I was on the road throughout the day; as such, I was only able to attend evening Mass in company of my two girls (Mary-Bernadette and Margaret-Mary). Suddenly, my first girl of just 5 and half years of age began her chitchat immediately the Priest began the homily. Trust their inquisitiveness, my daughter began with series of questions that I had to answer between listening to the homily and nursing her sleeping sibling.

Suddenly, Mary-Bernadette asked me: “Dad, is God the surname of Jesus?” I froze immediately and became bewildered. Being myself too (I must always answer her questions so as to build trust and confidence in our relationship), I looked puzzlingly at her. She must have sensed that I was lost as she immediately stated, by way of providing the answer herself, that: “God is the surname of Jesus!

Really, I have never come across a question this puzzling in all my 42 years of earthly existence. But, come to think of it; could my daughter be right? What is the surname of God? Is God the surname of Jesus? Well, maybe God’s family name is God and we all are members of this family through our adoption by Jesus Who laid down His life for His friends (Jn 15: 14). As such, as co-Heirs with Jesus, we are all sons and daughters of God our heavenly Father.

One thing I took away from this experience with my daughter at Mass this evening is that, as a parent you must befriend your children right from the cradle. Mothers are usually their children’s best friend because the mothers breastfeed the children. However, I have chosen to establish a relationship with my girls that they are comfortable with me as their father and friend. As such, as young as they are, I talk with them and we take a stroll together.

Therefore, parents must be attentive while having a listening hear for their children. I was totally unprepared for my daughter tonight; yet, she needed a guide in her journey of relationship with God which she has begun at such a tender age. Since you cannot give what you do not have, parents must be willing to learn, unlearn and relearn in a bid to stay on top of every situation that the AI 21st Century presents to us all.

Then, one thing I have learnt to do is to never brush aside their queries whenever it appeals to them. Even when it is not convenient for me, I always make myself readily available to hear their plea and their complaints. Helping them to build a relationship with God at this stage of their lives occupies a pivotal place in my heart. By the time they will be taking decisions on their own, they can then decide, like I did, if they want to serve God or not.

Happy 63rd Independence Day, Nigeria!!!

‘Wagbemiga Mary-Peter Onifade


Wagbemiga Media Services



I wrote this article on the night of Tuesday, 15th August, ’23, after attending evening Mass with my children.